Apprenticeship Programs

Apprenticeship Programs Resources
Rock Valley College HCCTP: A program designed to help women, minorities, and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals gain acceptance into the construction industry.
The Workforce Connection: A regional workforce system that provides a “one-stop” center for individuals seeking new careers or skill development services.
Helmets to Hardhats: a nonprofit joint labor-management driven entity that connects transitioning active-duty military service members, veterans, National Guard and Reservists with skilled training and quality career opportunities in the construction industry.
Climate Works Pre-Apprenticeship: A program led by Goodwill Industries aimed at creating a skilled and diverse pipeline of talent into the building & construction trades with an emphasis on green energy-related careers.
Sample Apprenticeship Aptitude Test: A document created by the NW Indiana Building Trades Council to help people prepare for the type of aptitude tests that some apprenticeship programs require.
Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration: Federal entity that administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs.
North America’s Building Trades Unions: A national coalition of trade unions that offers resources and information related to apprenticeship programs and careers in the trades.
The Ruler Game: A free, web-based game to learn and improve how you read a standard English (inch) ruler