Plumbing & Pipefitting, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration
Plumbers install, repair, maintain and service piping and plumbing systems and equipment used for drinking (potable) water distribution, sanitary storm water systems, and waste disposal. Pipefitter is a tradesperson with the knowledge and ability to layout, fabricate, assemble, install, maintain, and repair piping systems that transport all types of fluids, slurries, and gas in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Welding is a big part of the pipefitting industry. HVACR Fitter work covers the general responsibilities for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR). This would include the installation and maintenance of all sizes of heating and cooling systems for residential, commercial, and institutional applications.
*based on local prevailing wage
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #23 represents members in Boone, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago counties and portions of Carroll County.
Apprenticeship Information: 5 years
Wages and Benefits:
- 1st year at 40% of Journeymen wage
- 2nd year at 50% of Journeymen wage
- 3rd year at 60% of Journeymen wage
- 4th year at 70% of Journeymen wage
- 5th year at 80% of Journeymen wage
Benefits: Health & Welfare, Pension, HRA, and 401k, along with member clinic and chiropractor

Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #25 represents members in Lee and Whiteside counties and part of Carroll County.
Apprenticeship Information: As an apprentice you will work for a contractor 40+ hours per week and attend day classes related to your trade six weeks per year with an occasional Saturday class.
Five-year apprenticeship includes:
- 8,500 hours of on-the-job training
- 1,300 hours of classroom training
- Earning while you learn
Wages and Benefits:
- 1st year at 40% of Journeyworker rate plus benefits
- 2nd year at 45% of Journeyworker rate plus benefits
- 3rd year at 50% of Journeyworker rate plus benefits
- 4th year at 65% of Journeyworker rate plus benefits
- 5th year at 80% of Journeyworker rate plus benefits
Benefits include Pension, Health and Welfare, and Optional 401k

How to Apply
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #23
Click here for application information. On the day of application, must provide:
- Cashier’s Check or Money Order payable to JATC for $20.00. Debit and Credit Cards accepted along with a processing fee (non-refundable application fee)
- Valid/current driver’s license or State issued ID card
- Transcripts in unopened officially sealed school envelope or GED results. No transcripts will be accepted prior to submission of application.
Personal Experience Forms will be distributed at time of application. Aptitude test required. Those applicants earning above minimum cut score on the test will be scheduled for an interview.
UA Local 23 Training Center
4525 Boeing Dr.
Rockford, IL 61109
(815) 397-0342
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #25
Apply online to the Rock Island office here. Applications can be completed online but you must appear in person to complete the process. Applications will not be considered complete until an applicant provides driver’s license or photo ID, birth certificate, high school diploma and transcripts or an approved high school equivalency GED certificate or scores, military transfer or discharge forms DD-214 or equivalent (if applicable). An aptitude test is required. Those applicants earning above minimum cut score on the test will be scheduled for an interview. For more information, contact:
Local Union 25 JATC
4612 46th Avenue
Rock Island, Illinois 61201
(309) 788-4159
Basic Application
- Reliable Transportation
- Driver’s License
- Written Exam
- Interview
- Pass a Drug Test
- 18+ Years

CONTACT Project First Rate
For information related to a specific trade or apprenticeship program, call the union hall or training center listed on the respective trade page. These will be the best sources of information related to dates, application information, etc.
If you have a general question or would like to request a member of the trades speak to your school/organization, please complete the contact form below:

Project First Rate (PFR) is a partnership between union contractors and union tradespeople to promote quality craftsmanship with pride, integrity and commitment to our community. Members of Project First Rate understand the importance of building the very best for the Rockford area, giving our community safe, sustainable places in which to live, work, and play.